
By  Sarah Spegel |   | Posted in " fall, homeowner, November 2016, real estate, realestate, realtor, remax, sarah spegel, sarahspegel, the6, the6ix, thesix, tips, Toronto, toronto realtor, winter, winteriscoming "

Professional Real Estate Agent Toronto Ontario

*Photo credit to Erin Shearer. Follow her on Instagram @e.she89 for fun travel pics, food porn, and general cuteness.

10 Winterizing tips for Homeowners

  1. Check your heating. Have a heating specialist inspect your furnace in advance of the cold weather.
  2. Turn off exterior faucets. Ice expands. Undrained water freezes and pipes can burst. Disconnect all garden hoses.
  3. Keep the heat in and energy bills low. Winterize your windows and doorways with caulking and weather stripping. Do it yourself or hire a professional.
  4. Get out of the gutter. Clogged eavestroughs block the drainage of rain and melting snow, and can cause household leaks and damage to your foundation.
  5. Don’t get left out in the cold. Be prepared with a fully-stocked emergency kit including flashlights and a fire extinguisher.
  6. Up on the roof. Damage to your rooftop can spell disaster in winter’s snow and ice. Self-inspect or hire an expert.
  7. Safety first. Icy conditions produce winter slips and falls. Repair your walkways, driveway, and steps. Brighten up your property with increased lighting for the dark winter days ahead. Stock up on salt – stores tend to run out!
  8. Keep the home fires burning. Cozy up but first have the chimney professionally cleaned. Stock up on firewood.
  9. Secure outside communication devices. Inspect roof-mounted antennas for loose wires. Keep netflix flowing and the kids entertained all winter.
  10. Time to tweet. Buy or build a birdhouse and fill it up with seeds. Welcome the feathered friends of winter.